Jcb 520 Telescopic Handler Service Manual
This volume is published mainly for the benefit of JCB Distributor Service Engineers. but copies are available from JCB Distributors to individual machine users. The manual is compiled in sections,the first three of which are numbered and contain Care and Safety aspects of workshop procedure, Technical Data and Routine Maintenance. The remaining sections are alphabetically coded and deal with Dismantling, Overhaul etc., of specific components.
For Example:—
- B – Body and Framework
- E = Hydraulics
All sections are listed on the front cover, the bands of which coincide with divider cards for rapid relerenoe. Each individual section also has its own Contents Page. Removal. Replacement, Dismantling and Assembly procedures should be carried out in accOrdance with the sequences shown on the illustrations, paying particular attention to items noted in the text. Where more detailed information is necessary, this is given in the text in the form of step by step instructions. Left Hand and Right Hand, where used, are as viewed from the rear of the machine Torque Settings in this Publication are given as ‘mean’ figures and may vary by 3% higher or lower. Distributor copies of the manual will be continuously updated by the issue of Replacement Pages.
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