Santal Trailer VT10 Tandem VT10BE Tandem VT12 Tandem VT13 Tridem Operator Manual – PDF DOWNLOAD
Santal Trailer VT10 Tandem VT10BE Tandem VT12 Tandem VT13 Tridem Operator Manual – PDF DOWNLOAD
Applied trailer models:
VТ10 Tandem
VТ1 О ВЕ Tandem
VТ12 Tandem
VТ13 Tridem
- Santal combines аге what is best in mechanical harvesting of sugarcane. Chopped sugar сапе combines аге the best guarantee fог those who need а well-designed equipment fог harvesting sugar сапе. This manual is designed to provide you with the necessary information and instructions fог ргорег use during operation and maintenance of уоuг combine. ln addition, it shows you the basic safety and technical data relating to the constructive features of уоuг machine.
- Read the manual carefully before operating the trailer fог the first time, as well as Ьеfоге performing any maintenance. ln doing so, you will ensure efficiency and long life to the machine. When using уоuг trailer in any circumstance, you should always follow all laws and regulations of уоuг country, even if they аге not described in this manual. Upon Technical Delivery, require all necessary information from the Dealer.
- ln addition to having Genuine Spare Parts, appropriate tools, and trained personnel Ьу the factory, the Dealer is the only to offer reliaЫe Authorized Service. This puЫication has been produced according to the international standard ISO3600 regarding information, content, and presentation of орегаtог’s manuals supplied with agricultural machinery.
Dear owner
1. Кеер this manual in perfect condition and show it to the Dealeг’s professional who serviced you, so that the
Free Overhaul date сап Ье recorded.
2. Read Module 2 about Safety with the utmost attention.
3. The warranty is valid only when the Certificate of Delivery of the machine is properly registered in the
Service and Warranty Department of Santal Equipamentos S/A Comercio е lndustria. Therefore, require your
Dealer to fill in the certificate of delivery of the product.
4. The Technical Delivery will Ье made Ьу the Dealeг’s professional.
See important general information in this manual, of your interest.
– Overhauling lnstructions.
– Delivery lnstructions.
– Terms of Warranty.
5. Changes in the products due to policy of constant improvements in its products, Santal Equipamentos S/A
Comercio е lndustria reserves the right to make modifications and improvements without incurring any
oЫigation to products previously manufactured. Likewise, the content of this manual is updated as of the
date of its printing, and also may change without notice.
6. Many of the illustrations in this manual wеге made with removed covers, shields, and components fог better
explanation. However, never operate the machine without such items.
7. Some photos may contain different details in relation to those existing in your trailer, as they have been
taken from prototypes machinery or products configured with accessories that are not present оп your
8. Genuine SANTAL Parts
The use of non-genuine parts сап result in lower performance of the machine ог affect other components.
Santal Equipamentos S/A Comercio е lndustria is fгее from any liability arising from the use of non-genuine
parts. lf they аге used during the period coved Ьу the warranty, the warranty of the machine may Ье voided.
9. Because of the wide variation in working conditions, it is not possiЫe fог SANT AL to cover all detailed ог
definitive instructions about the performance ог methods of using the machines in its PuЫications, nог it сап
Ье Ье responsiЫe fог any loss ог damage that may occur from such statements ог from any other егrог ог
lf the machine is used in abnormal conditions – such as working in deep water – consult your Dealer fог
special instructions. Otherwise, the warranty may Ье voided.
These combines are solely designed fог use in regular agricultural operations (intended use).
Any other use does not imply any responsibility оп the рагt of Santal Equipamentos S/A Comercio е
lndustria: they аге the sole responsibility of the user.
1 О. The observance and compliance of the conditions of use, maintenance, and гераiг stipulated Ьу Santal
Equipamentos S/A Comercio е lndustria constitute key elements fог the “intended use”.
11. We insist that these machines are used, maintained, and гераiгеd only Ьу personnel who know their
features and respective safety standards. We therefore recommend that the client go to the nearest Dealer
when ргоЫеms ог questions related to the maintenance and adjustments arise.
Santal Trailer VT10 Tandem VT10BE Tandem VT12 Tandem VT13 Tridem Operator Manual – PDF DOWNLOAD
1 ldentification and safety decals 3
1 1 ldentification of your trailer 5
1 2 Safety decals description 6
2 Safety Guidelines 7
2 1 lntroduction 9 2 1 1 General Recommendations 9
2 2 Safety Symbols and Terms 1 О 2 2 1 Note to the operator 1 О
2 3 For а Proper Operation 11
2 4 Prepare for а Safe Operation 12 2 4 1 Knowing your comЬine 12
2 4 2 Protect yourself 12
2 4 3 Use availaЫe security devices and protections 12
2 4 4 Check the equipment 12
2 4 5 ComЬiner cleaning 13
2 4 6 Protect the environment 13
2 5 Comblne maintenance 14
2 6 Start-up 15 2 6 1 Alert before start-up 15
2 6 2 Safe Start-up 15
2 7 Safe operation 16 2 7 1 Make the right moves 16
2 7 2 Safety practices 16
2 7 3 Operating general hazards 17
2 7 4 Points оп ergonomic behavior 17
2 8 Machine Transport 18 2 8 1 Road rules 18
2 9 Quality, environment, safety, and occupational health policies 19 2 9 1 Environmental lssues 19
2 9 2 Recommendations to customers and users of the comЬine 19
2 9 3 CONAMA Resolution (valid only for the Brazilian market) 20
3 Operation 21
3 1 Gauges 24
3 2 Adjusting gauges 2 5
3 3 Front and rear couplers 27 3 3 1 Coupler system 2 7
3 3 2 Coupling of the 2nd comЬine 2 7
3 4 Components general identification 2 9 3 4 1 System operation 2 9
3 4 2 Chassis 2 9
3 4 3 Baskets 30
3 4 5 Lifting tаЫе 30
3 4 6 Lifting guides 30
3 4 7 Lifting cylinder 30
3 4 8 Tilt cylinder 30
3 4 9 Hydraulic system 30
3 4 1 О Lubrication system 30
3 4 11 Shafts and tyres system 30
3 4 12 Header (for trailers) 30
3 4 13 Coupler 30
3 4 14 Electrical system 30
4 Maintenance 31
4 1 lntroduction 33
4 2 Periodic maintenance plan 34
4 3 Safety procedures for the trailer before starting the crop 3 8
4 4 Points of grease lubrication 39 4 4 1 Hydraulic tilting cylinders pins 3 9
4 4 2 Friction wheel bearings 3 9
4 4 3 Wheels hubs 4 0
4 4 4 Baskets bushings (tilting) 40
4 4 5 Coupler pin 4 0
4 4 6 Tandem hinge pin 4 1
4 4 7 Periodic lubrication tаЫе 4 1
4 5 Brake system 4 2
5 Specifications 43
5 1 Technical specifications 45 5 1 1 Electrical system 45
5 1 2 Lubricant chart 45
5 1 3 Hydraulic system 45
5 1 4 Running miles and tires 45
5 2 Comblne general specifications 47 5 2 1 Tandem VT1 О 4 7
5 2 2 Tandem VT12 4 7
5 2 3 Tridem VT13 4 8
5 2 4 Trailer dimensions 4 8
6 Warranty 49
6 1 SANTAL warranty term (client) 5 1
6 2 SANTAL Warranty Term (Dealership) 5 3
6 3 Overhaul and instructions оп technical delivery 5 5 6 3 1 Directions оп technical delivery 5 5
6 3 2 Technical delivery overhaul 55
6 3 3 Dates record 56
- This is not a physical manual but a digital manual – meaning no physical copy will be couriered to you. The manual can be yours in the next 2 mins as once you make the payment, you will be directed to the download page IMMEDIATELY.
- This is the same manual used by the dealers inorder to diagnose your vehicle of its faults.
- Require some other service manual or have any queries: please WRITE to us at [email protected]