Santal PDM2 Seedlings Planter 2 Repair Time Schedule Manual – PDF DOWNLOAD
Santal PDM2 Seedlings Planter 2 Repair Time Schedule Manual – PDF DOWNLOAD
This LABOR TIME TABLE was developed to facilitate the understanding of the times paid in warranty but also accurately identify, through codes, defects that caused failures in the components, analyzing the efficiency of the workshop technical personnel and to advise оп the collection of labor from the customer. The Labor Time ТаЫе is divided in chapters that represent groups of components, such as, for example: platform, etc. Each chapter is divided into units that represent parts of these groups. The units are described with а generic title, а specific title and other drawings showing the parts. lt also has 6 columns of information that are: ltem, Group, Failure Code, Hours and Notes.
Item: This column associates the information with the exploded drawing.
Group: Represented Ьу letters and numbers, which associate the various parts of the chapter. The groups are independent among the chapters.
Failure Code: Number used to represent the failure in а certain component.
Hours: Expresses the number of hours required for the operation.
Notes: Field which describes general information of procedure, location and distinct times Ьу product.
The times listed in this puЫication are the result of а careful study of each operation. They represent the time spent Ьу а trained technician with average skill to perform the task, using standard and special tools. ln them are not included displacements and expenses to the location where the equipment is. The times also include the difficulties encountered оп the machines used and are based оп the methods and recommendations for the use of special tools, which are described in the Service Manuals.
ln the times of this tаЫе are included the following activities:
1 . AII the operations such as removal of lids, use of jacks, separation,
pauses, oil drainage and replacement, and parts cleaning.
2. Drive the machine inside and outside the workshop or to better
locate it оп the farm.
3. Receive instructions, read bulletins and service manuals.
4. Do routine diagnostics.
5. Receive and deliver special tools at the warehouse of tools.
6. Withdrawal of appropriate parts from the warehouse of parts.
7. Bring information to the office staff.
8. Final check.
9. Needs of the mechanic and effects of fatigue.
1 О. Washing the machine.
Santal PDM2 Seedlings Planter 2 Repair Time Schedule Manual – PDF DOWNLOAD
Cabin 10
Rear platform 20
Electrical System 30
Frontal part 40
Rear Axle 50
Bucket 60
Fertilization System 70
Mat 80
Feeder set 90
lnsecticide System 100
Hydraulic 11 О
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