Cfmoto Moto Cf650nk Service Manual English Eu1108
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General Information 1
Periodic Maintenance 2
Fuel System (EFI) 3
Cooling System 4
Engine Top End 5
Clutch 6
Engine Lubrication System 7
Engine Removal/Installation 8
Crankshaft/Transmission 9
Wheels/Tires 10
Final Drive 11
Brakes 12
Suspension 13
Steering 14
Frame 15
Electrical System 16
This manual introduces 650NK (CF650 model) maintenance information, disassembly procedure, check & adjustment methods, troubleshooting and technical specifications. There are illustrations, drawings to guide your operation. CFMOTO has final explanations to this manual information. Without our prior written approval, the manual cannot be dupliacted and disclosed to third party. CFMOTO reserves rights to make improvements and modifications to the products without prior notice. Overhaul and maintenance should be done according to actual condition of vehicle. This manual is compiled according to standard GB9969.1-1998 and GB/T19678-2005.
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- This is the same manual used by the dealers inorder to diagnose your vehicle of its faults.
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